Green TR6 Maintenance

A couple of months ago, I accusingly told Chip we needed to rename the place “Red TR4A Motorsports”. I guess now we should rename it “TR6 Motorsports”, because the shop and parking lot are full of ’em. These things come in cycles, I suppose.

This fine TR6 comes to us in a green color good for an extra 2 mph in top speed or 1 mpg in fuel mileage depending on your driving or drinking (separately) habits. Fine as it is, it occasionally needs attention. Here at UK Motorsports, we pay attention. According to the owner, the troubles are:
–stumbles a bit below 2000 rpms (ignition, carburetion, both?)
–check valve clearances, cylinder pressures, head torque
–oil and filter
–vibration in the dash

Chip will also give it the once over to check for other common TR6 maladies and make recommendations from there. This one is in very nice shape already… (see below)

Well Preserved TR6

Well Preserved TR6